Monday, January 5, 2009

Sorry, no pictures this time....
If anyone has doubted the power of prayer and fasting this should be a testimony that it truly does work....
Just this afternoon I received word that mom will be able to stay at the rehab in the hospital!!!
The rehab nurse called me to ask some questions about mom's support system at home...I personally think she has a wonderful support system! Anyway I told her that someone can be with her 24 hrs a day and that I was a CNA for some time...she thinks mom will be able to stay in the rehab center for about 4 wks and then she will be able to come home!!! We have to learn how to transfer her and help her with her therapy when she comes home but I think between all of us we will be able to work it out!!!!
Thank you for willingness to fast and pray for mom, we truly are blessed to have such a wonderful family and caring friends....I know mom will be so touched by all of the support we have received!!!
Love you all, and I will get more pictures to post!!!


  1. That's the best news we've heard for a while. I hope things just keep going better and better.
    Aunt Kay

  2. That is wonderful news! Sunday was a very special day. We love your family and continue to wish for all the best for Janie and you.

  3. That is great news!! We love you Janie, and are so thankful for the gospel in our lives!! What would we do if we couldn't pray? Hang in there and keep up the good work!!

    Lance, Katherine, Grace and Will

    PS, can't wait for you to meet our "little man!"
