Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday December 15
I went to the hospital this morning. The Dr. showed John and I the before and after scans as well as the scan they took this morning. The blood clot was 69 mm or 7 cm which is 2.8 inches...nearly 50% of the right side of her brain! Most of the minimal amount of blood that was left after surgery had been absorbed, which is good. There is a "dark area" that wasn't there before that may have an effect her recovery. We won't know for sure until she is more awake. The nurses said that she flexed and pointed her left foot and SLIGHTLY flexed her left bicep. Grandpa and Grandma went up later in the afternoon and said that she opened her eyes WIDE and looked around. When I went back up in the afternoon they were taking her for yet another scan. (this one was an angiogram of her brain, they put dye in the arteries in her groin and take pictures with flouroscopy at the same time. They were checking for narrowing of the vessels in her brain and for any defects)
When I walked in the room the nurse had to point out the fact that they had removed the ventilator....I have no idea how I missed that!!! She opened her eyes for me and then yawned and then they wheeled her away to the scan....
The scan went well, it showed some artherosclerosis and no defects. The final report wasn't available yet though. She was still pretty groggy from the medicine they gave her and she was supposed to lay still for 2 hours so we weren't able to talk to her much.
Well that was it for today...I will update again tomorrow!
Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers! We are so blessed to have so many great people in our lives that love us!!

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