Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here are a few pictures of mom...these were taken yesterday afternoon 12/13/2008.

This is the story, on Thursday, the 11th, mom went to work at Abravanel Hall. She complained that her left hand wasn't working and she felt dizzy. She must have collapsed and the EMT's that are there started working on her. They took her to the hospital at about 7:30. John and I got there right after and then they explained that they thought she had a stroke. She had a bleed in her head which caused the symptoms she was feeling. The neurosurgeons decided she needed surgery to remove the blood clot, which was the size of a kiwi or bigger. If she didn't have the surgery quickly it would be life threatening. Her left side was unable to move and her face was drooping on the left as well. She could talk and answer questions but she was mumbled and slurred. Grandpa Ted and one of the doctors gave her a blessing before she went to surgery. They took her to surgery a little before 9 and she was out at midnight. We were able to see her at about 2 am.

On Friday, she was pretty sedated because she had the breathing tube in. Later she was able to nod her head and squeeze your hand with her right hand. Her left arm and leg were still unable to move.

On Saturday, mom was more alert, she was able to follow commands and nod her answers. They decided to pull the breathing tube out....she was able to answer some questions. Her mouth was very dry!!!! She was breathing through her mouth which made it worse. I asked if she wanted the nurse to swab her mouth and she said she wanted a drink!!! It was mumbled but I could understand her. Since there were no beds on the neuro ICU she had to go to the burn ICU....but today a bed opened up and she was transfered to the neuro critical care unit. That was about 6pm. She had a hard time breathing and they thought it was best to put the breathing tube back in to help expand her lungs. she was breathing way to fast to get enough oxygen into her lungs. They also put a feeding tube in. That was at about 10pm. They kicked John, grandpa Ted and grandma Ola May out at about 11pm because they had mom sedated and she was stable at that point.

Today we were able to see mom in the morning and she was still sedated. They were trying to wean her sedation and get her awake enough to follow commands. When we left at about 3pm she was able to squeeze my hand with her right hand and move her left leg. She still had the breathing tube and the Dr's said they might be able to remove the breathing tube tomorrow.

We will try and keep everyone updated!!! Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts at this difficult time....we love every one of you!!!


  1. Janie and family - we love you so much! You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. You are so strong and we KNOW you will be just fine! The DeGraff's

  2. Jennifer, thanks so much for this blog. I've talked to your folks every day since we heard about Janie's stroke. We're praying for her. I love you, and your mom and family.

  3. We love you guys and will pray for Janie everyday. This is a great way to get the news out without having to repeat yourself 500 times.

    Becky Wright

  4. janie and family - keep fighting, hang in there! we love you like our own and our praying for you!

    katherine, lance, grace & will

  5. We love you guys so incredibly much & are praying for you. We are here for you if you need anything.

    Gina & Ross Q
